North Richmond

Explore Our Pathways

  • The business development pathway is 4-6 meetings for folks located within the Bay Area needing to develop any aspect of their business idea or side hustle. This is also for Richmond natives wanting to apply for pathway 2 but need help with the eligibility requirements. That could be help with creating a business plan, researching business feasibility, creating a pitch deck for member recruitment, creating a financial draft, etc. You will receive a dedicated project officer to assist you in reaching your goals.


    Have a business idea

    Located within the Bay Area

    Committed to meeting on a regular basis

    Will do work needed in a timely manner

  • The incubation pathway is for Richmond natives, residents and West Contra Costa residents looking to start or optimize their cooperative business. This is an intensive process for folks ready to take their cooperative business to the next level. We are here to help y’all through this journey. Your business will get a dedicated project officer who y’all will meet with regularly that will assist with business development, cooperative development, technical assistance, and finding funding sources to help finance the business. This process can take as little as 6 months up to 2 years. The timeline of this process depends on you and your team.


    Richmond natives, residents, and West Contra Costa residents

    Total of 3 worker owners

    Interested in incorporating as California Cooperative business

    Have a draft business plan

  • *limited*

    The non-extractive lending pathway is for cooperatives operating within the Bay Area. This is for established businesses needing financial help to get to the next level. We want to work with businesses that share our values of assisting low-income communities of color through the work they do.


    Incorporated business entity operating as a cooperative

    Clear loan need and plan for how this funding will benefit the cooperative

    Business has been operating for at least 2 years

    Willing to share financial history

    Located within the Bay Area

Interested in converting your existing business into a worker cooperative?

Email us at